Wednesday, March 23, 2011

CreComm observations

So, like all CreComms, and I mean all, I've been trying my best and working hard. During the magazine project I put in some 18 hour days, last semester was running at a steady 12. Since the magazine is over I've been putting in around 8, and I haven't felt so guilty, lazy or useless in a long time.

Why should I feel this guilty for not putting in a 16 hour day? If I do anything fun, like go out for dinner or watch half an hour of TV, I feel awful. The whole life being balanced thing went out the window long ago. I stopped watching tv.

I'm glad this program gave me the guilt I need to be successful in life. Every rich person at one point put in 20 hour days 7 days a week. We don't even really have it that bad. Then I think of the people who have actual brutal jobs and this is really nothing. So then I feel guilty about feeling busy on top of feeling guilty for not being busy enough. What a cycle.

Anyway, this summer I might have to get 2 jobs to keep up the rhythm I am accustomed too. I'm scared I'll be done school and have Trainspotting withdrawal symptoms. Maybe I'll just start drooling uncontrollaby.

Oh well, it's been so far ok. Things I may have wanted to change but a good kick in the ass.


  1. Erica you're too funny! lol... I know what you mean about summer, I think I am going to be working like 23 jobs too!

  2. You are hilarious and have such insight. Ha. I am sure we all feel this way. As much as I want summer to be here, I don't know what I will do if I don't have CreComm. It will be weird to not be at school.
