Friday, October 8, 2010


I love Thanksgiving because I love food.   One year (and this will sound like I was trying to give my family a heart attack), I put butter all over the turkey and wrapped bacon slices around it.  The concept is to hold the moisture into the turkey.  You cook it at a higher temperature at first, then lower it for the rest (don't quote me, but you do change the temperature).  You take the bacon off after about 20-30 minutes and reserve it for something else.  The butter crisps up the skin.  Anyway, the turkey was very moist.  Last year I brined the turkey, which was a semi-disaster.  I left it outside overnight in a bucket to brine with salt water, and my dog knocked over the pail.  I always bake apple pie, which I love baking because I have it down to taking about 20 minutes to make.  Except my Star-frit apple peeler that came with the slicer/corer broke, because I got the bright idea to peel a potato on it and I snapped the blade right off from the plastic.  The corer/slicer was my favorite thing until it cut my hand open, because it's so old the blades separated from the corer and I pushed down.  My aunty makes the best buns, too, she bakes them in muffin tins so they have these big muffin tops.  I think this year I'm going to buy a pumpkin and make scratch pumpkin pie.  The whole can thing kind of reminds me of cooking with dog food and I'm not sure why.  Probably because the pumpkin comes out of the can and slides out into the crust, or you have to take a spoon and scrape it out.  I don't know.  Another thing that seems traditional in our family is that someone has to go to the hospital (NOT from putting butter and bacon on the turkey).  I don't get why but someone always has some issue that requires a trip to the hospital, which is a 15-20 minute drive to another town.  Hopefully that doesn't happen this year.  Anyway, I'm looking forward to having an extra day off.  Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

1 comment:

  1. To you too!

    Tip: short paragraphs make your blog much easier to read!
