Monday, June 20, 2011

Cereal is the most important meal of the day

I am probably poorer than I've ever been – school and age will do that to a person. So I'm editing all of my negative thoughts about money into positive ones.

In no way am I bitching about being impoverished because I can afford basic needs that many others may not and I count myself lucky every day (disclaimer: I'm not a moron).

Negative thought a) I can't afford take-out anymore.
Positive thought a) Mini Wheats are awesome. I will eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner because they are THAT awesome. Sometimes I will eat them without milk to switch it up a bit. They also come in about 17 different flavors, so when I finish this box of regular frosted I can eat any other flavor from the frosted rainbow.

Negative thought b) I can't afford to go to BOTH a movie and out for dinner.
Positive thought b) I will go to the movie and eat popcorn for dinner. Popcorn is awesome.

Negative thought c) I can't afford new clothes and all of my old clothes are frumpy and ugly
Positive thought c) time to clean out the closet. If your clothes look ugly they were a waste of money in the first place. This will teach you fashion sense for the future.

Negative thought d) I hate the bus. It stinks and it's gross and I don't want to take it.
Positive thought d) This may be the last 20 years where people will interact with each other. Make the most of seeing people.

Negative thought e) My wallet is empty
Positive though e) There is more room for bigger bills

Negative thought f) my job sucks
Positive thought f) thank goodness that you HAVE a job, and now you know what you don't want to do for the rest of your life.

Negative thought g) I can't get that new technology thing
Positive thought g) that new technology thing will be outdated the second you buy it anyway. Like a car.

Negative thought h) I can't afford to drink and smoke anymore
Positive thought h) that's probably a good thing?

Negative thought i) I can't afford to buy my cousin's niece's cousin's cousin a really nice gift for her birthday
Positive thought i) who exactly are you trying to impress again? save your money, she's not impressed.

Negative thought j) I can't buy coffee anymore
Positive thought j) Do you know how much of a rip-off coffee and tea are? A tea bag costs 10 cents maybe. Coffee made in a pot costs maybe 25 cents. And you're going to pay $4.50 for it? Coffee is essentially a roasted bean broth. If I put "bouillon de grains de café torréfiés" on a menu, you would probably pay $15 for it.

Negative thought k) I think like an old person now
Positive thought k) you will eventually anyway, might as well get it over with now

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